Unless you're into eco-friendly living in a big way, chances are that you have not heard of of the new entrant, Harvest Power. The company is an organic waste management company that takes green waste, scraps of food, leftover wood, and other organic waste products, changing them into syngas or biogas. These can likewise be turned into natural gas, electricity and heat. Harvest Power is paving the way and hopefully many more businesses will follow, unlocking renewable energy and rendering organic fertiliser from what is usually regarded as scraps. The Earth can use many more of these companies who will handle organic wastes in a reliable way.
Among Harvest Power's excepptional products is its compost product that can be added to the soil increasing nutrients and organic material. This is very advantageous because using natural soil enhancers improves soil health by enhacing the nutrient content. Putting in organic compost to the soil rather than chemical fertilizers allows for the growth of healthier foods. The advantage of adding compost to your vegetable garden is ultimately an improvement in your family's overall health. One other advantage of adding healthy, organic compost to the soil is decreasing the energy required for irrigation. Compost encourages the plant roots to grow longer, causing better water retention.
Making use of compost as an alternative to chemical fertilizers is much better for all of us. synthetic fertilizers harm the ecosystem, polluting groundwater, contributing to disproportionate nitrogen levels, and making our soil more acid - these are all avoided by the use of organic compost instead. The presence of trace minerals, and insects and other organisms that are healthy for the soil, are increased through adding compost. Importantly, cropsoils can again have their natural balance by adding compost, offsetting the cumulative effects of topsoil loss. Healthy soil is extremely important for sustainable living.
More great things that are being done by Harvest Power are engineered fuels, renewable energy, and anaerobic digestion. Basically, anaerobic digestion involves decaying organic waste in the absence of oxygen to make biogas, like methane. Positive effects of Harvest Power's activities are manyfold and include diverse things like enriching soil with compost, discovering good alternative uses for landfill-destined waste matter, substituting chemical fertilisers and aiding the drive towards clean, renewable energy. Wouldn't it be terrific if all business enterprises considered the environment and applied green practices?
We have to all try to follow a more "green" lifestyle in the myriald of little ways that are possible. As an example, a lot of parents teach their children not to waste food. Still worldwide, huge amounts of food are still being wasted. It's very unfortunate that about half of all food produced is wasted before it can be ingested (as calculated by a company from Stockholm). In America alone, the cast out food is valued at $48.3 billion. And that's only the food discarded, without taking into account water. The same study observed that 40 trillion liters of water every year goes to waste in the United States. Five hundred thousand people (more or less 8% of the world's population) could live on that. Wa can do something to not waste our water resources.
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