Sunday, May 22, 2011

Getting Targeted Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites

It takes time to get your offer in front of lots of people, especially in the IM world. So, if you want to use social bookmarking to get traffic, you need to practice some patience. If you take regular action, the progress you make will be steady. However, when it comes to getting the most out of your social bookmarking efforts, there are certain things that you should keep in mind to get noticed by the users and as well as the search engines.

Allow Yourself to be Controversial: Controversy spreads like crazy online because the medium is so simple to use. You can take advantage of controversy by writing about it and then sending it in to the social bookmarking sites. Not only can use this to set yourself apart from your own competition, it also helps you get the attention of the crowd. People love to look at controversies and they are fine sharing them and promoting them. This can be gotten by you by talking about current events and sharing your strongest opinions. Give your community what they want! Work Hard on Your Profile: All social bookmarking sites allow you to build profiles for yourself. If you really want social bookmarking to be a rewarding experience and send traffic to your website, you need to make sure that the other users can connect with you. There's no need to do any fancy stuff, simply focus on creating an informative profile that makes it easier for people to connect with you--nobody can connect with a faceless entity!

Describe Things Well: When you talk about your link, it is important to be informative but also creative. The real reason to do this is that people who are going to find your link will look at the title for a minute and then read your description thoroughly. So be sure to compose a detailed description that is understandable and contains your chosen keywords. Pick the Right Category: Don't get lazy when you choose the category for your bookmarks. If you want your target audience to be able to find you and if you want your site to be visited and bookmarked by lots of people, you need to make sure that your link is listed under the best topic or category. To summarize, from this article we can see the different ways that you can make your social bookmarking even more effective in terms of sending traffic to your site or blog. It might take a little bit of time before you are actually able to get a return on the time you have invested in this, but the returns will be worth it in the end.

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